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John Brind 1727 intestate P3/B/1256ii
The true Inventory of the Goods and Chatels of John Brind Late deceased of Straton St Marget in the County of Wilts October 2: 1727 taken by us John geneger? James John Peneger James
money Due upon Bond340400
money Due in way of dealing930000
twenty four cows610000
three yearling and three calves060000
two mares101000
Eaight pegs (pigs?)090000
four sheep and three lambs011000
??????? Broach and Little Broach200000
the hay in Peaks hay001600
the hay in ????hay and in the letell? ground030400
corn in the Barn090000
cart and harnes021000
Plow and haros (plough and harrows?)001000
the furniture of the hall040000
the furniture of the Butere (Buttery?)020000
the furniture of the day house011000
the furniture of the hall chamber020000
the furniture of the Chamber yd dayhouse011000
chees in the houce270000
Goods at Cotswell? marsh011000
Goods at hinton011000
his Warm Clothes030000